Nightdive studios system shock out of money
Nightdive studios system shock out of money

nightdive studios system shock out of money

A little over a year later and it's announced that Nightdive was bought out by Atari for only $5 million dollars (and $5 million in shares) which shows how dire their financial situation was.

nightdive studios system shock out of money

There was even a point during 2020 when they labeled December 2020 as their "do or die!" release date.īy December of 2021 it was obvious that Nightdive had exhausted all of their Kickstarter funding and ended up signing with Prime Matter in an effort to get this delayed and bankrupt project to the finish line which pretty much speaks for itself. This was followed by apologies, and then more unrealistic release dates. They even came out at one point and put the game on hiatus "indefinitely" as they had allowed feature creep to put the game vastly behind schedule, over-budget and in a bad place. There were also small updates where they would be hyper-focused on something weird like door animations and completely fail to address the overall status of the project. Sprinkle in between these events complete radio silence from Nightdive, sometimes for months at a time that left backers wondering if the project was dead. usually we would find out it was delayed from some random Youtube channel or news outlet instead Launch date is within days or literally passed and the game isn't out

nightdive studios system shock out of money

Hype builds up until the final weeks before launch This is how it would go just about every time: I would call myself one of the more forgiving and patient people among the backers but over time the situation became so ridiculous that to remain positive about this project was simply delusional. but the way in which Nightdive handled these delays is what has caused so much negativity surrounding this title over the years. If they needed more than that they should have asked for more, but regardless, they received over $1,300,000 which is significantly more than they asked for. They asked for $900,000 to get the game done. Backers of this project (myself included) crowdfunded development of this game back in 2016 at which time it had a target release date of December 2017.

Nightdive studios system shock out of money