Uploading photos with amazon desktop app
Uploading photos with amazon desktop app

uploading photos with amazon desktop app

It’s a great way to back up your iPhone photos, especially when you realize your iPhone storage is full. Simply add your pictures and pull them onto your desktop. For other purposes, it acts as a great intermediate. This means easy accessibility across all devices.įrom there, you drag and drop to store your images. It’s best for photographers who store their images in folders, as Dropbox works similarly.Īlthough it is a phone app, you can download the program for your tablet, desktop computer, or laptop. It is a relatively simple platform that’s perfect for avoiding confusion.

uploading photos with amazon desktop app

They offer free cloud storage, the best way to back up photos. Since its inception, the Dropbox app has been the go-to choice for many people. There’s something for every photographer, whether you want to share your images with others or have a trusty online backup! 1.

uploading photos with amazon desktop app

We take a look at the ten best storage apps out there.

Uploading photos with amazon desktop app